Yorkie Weight Chart: How Big Will My Yorkie Get

Yorkie Growth Chart: How Big Will My Yorkie Get?

Yorkshire Terriers weigh between 3 to 7 pounds on average, making them one of the smallest breeds. You can’t predict a Yorkie puppy’s adult weight with 100% accuracy, but this Yorkie growth chart can give you a close estimate.

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Yorkshire terriers are prized for their plucky attitudes crammed into a compact package. One of the common questions new Yorkie owners ask is “How big will my Yorkie get?”

The answer is not always straightforward and there are a lot of factors that impact a Yorkie’s size. Genetics, diet, and health all play a role.

However, while it isn’t possible to predict a Yorkie puppy’s growth perfectly, there are a couple of methods you can use to estimate your dog’s future size. This guide includes a Yorkie weight chart, so you can track your puppy’s growth, as well as information on what the average Yorkie weight should be.

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In this guide:

Yorkie weight chart & general rules to calculate how big your Yorkie will get

So how do you calculate how big a Yorkie puppy will get? Yorkie size can vary considerably, and predicting puppy growth is not an exact science. But there are ways to get a pretty good idea of just how big your little friend will grow. Here are two methods.

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Yorkie weight chart 

This Yorkie growth chart is not a perfect predictor of a Yorkshire Terrier’s weight—especially if you like to spoil your puppy with extra treats—but it should give you a good estimate of how big your puppy will be when fully grown.

Find your puppy’s current age and weight (or the weight they were at birth), and then trace down to the Adult Yorkie Weight Estimate to see a weight prediction:

Yorkie Growth Chart

>> Read more: Yorkie Color Chart: An Illustrated Guide to Yorkshire Terrier Coloring

Dog Trainer Brandon McMillan teaches his MasterClass

Puppy weight & paw size: General rules to calculate Yorkie weight

Like the method above, this formula isn’t exact. But it can give you a decent calculation of your specific puppy’s adult size. Take their weight at three months old, double it, and then add a half-pound. The formula looks like this:

(Puppy weight at 12 weeks x 2) + .5  = Estimated adult Yorkie size in lbs. 

This will give you a rough idea of what your puppy’s weight will likely be. For example, a puppy weighing three pounds at three months old will likely be around six and one-half pounds as an adult. This estimate will not be exact, but it typically is accurate to within a pound or so.  

Sometimes paw size can also be a general indicator of future adult weight—puppies with bigger paws are likely to be larger when fully grown. But this is a very general rule of thumb.

Sometimes larger dogs can have smaller paws, so don’t put too much faith in this measurement.

Yorkie puppy size: How much do Yorkies weigh?

Yorkies are classified as part of the AKC Toy Group and are one of the smallest breeds. The average size of a Yorkie is 7 to 8 inches tall, and typically between 4 and 7 pounds.

The maximum Yorkie weight allowed by the AKC standard is 7 pounds. However, it is common to find Yorkies weighing several pounds more. As long as their extra weight is natural and not the result of an unhealthy diet, these larger Yorkies make just as wonderful companions as their smaller relatives.

The only reason you’d need to avoid an oversized Yorkie is if you plan to show your dog. 

Teacup Yorkies: Are small Yorkies healthy?  

The popularity of “micro breeds” has resulted in some breeders attempting to breed increasingly smaller Yorkies. Unfortunately, these tiny Yorkies often suffer from serious Yorkie health problems. So-called ‘Teacup’ Yorkies are often more susceptible to collapsed trachea, digestive issues, and other serious health risks. In fact, Teacup Yorkies have a shorter life expectancy than their full-sized counterparts.

If you have a Teacup Yorkie, pay special attention to their health. And if you’re considering getting a new Yorkie puppy, please don’t support breeders specifically marketing a Teacup breed.

When does a Yorkie puppy stop growing? 

Yorkie puppies start out small, but like most dogs, they grow rapidly through the early dog development stages. The typical growth pattern of a Yorkie puppy is: 

Newborn: Birth to two weeks

At birth, Yorkie puppies typically weigh between three and five ounces! These tiny little furballs grow quickly, though, and by four weeks most are often already over a pound.

The first two weeks of Yorkie’s life are the most dependent and helpless. During this time, their eyes have not yet opened, and they spend much of their time sleeping.. 

They are barely able to crawl, doing a sort of stomach scoot as they root around looking for their mother’s milk. They signal distress to their mother by making a little mewling sound.

>> Read more: How to Take Care of a Yorkie: Puppy Care from 8 Weeks to Adulthood

Infancy: two weeks to eight weeks 

Between two and eight weeks, the puppies’ eyes open and they go from helpless furballs to little explorers. They start out with a drunken, wobbly crawl but are soon climbing out of their beds and checking out the world around them.

At this point, puppy play between siblings has started, and it will be common to see them tugging on ears and roughhousing in their clumsy, tumbling way. 

They will begin lapping up liquids on their own, and you should slowly introduce solid foods as well. Some breeders aim to have their puppies weaned completely off of the mother’s milk by eight weeks, though many prefer to wait until 12 weeks, at which point they will typically be feeding from mom far less frequently. 

Pee pads are introduced during this time, though accidents will still happen. Yorkies can be notoriously stubborn potty trainers. The earlier you can begin training your puppies to use pads, the better…  but be prepared to have lots of patience. Potty training Yorkies rarely happens overnight!

>> Read more: Best Dog Food for Yorkies

Puppy time: eight weeks to six months 

The eight-week-to-six-month period is full-on puppy mode. Puppies become far more vocal as their little voices develop, and they’ll happily let you know when they want something. 

Yorkie puppies play hard and nap even harder during this phase. Rambunctious wrestling matches will be broken up by long naps and yawns. Expect a growing Yorkie puppy to sleep plenty (though often not when you want them too!). Yorkies sleep as much as 18 hours a day or more. 

As your pup progresses through this phase, you will notice their confidence-building and their stride opening up. They’ll become quicker on their feet and, if properly socialized, more interactive with other dogs and people.

Toward the end of this period, you should also notice your Yorkie’s ears start to stand up, and their baby teeth start to fall out.

These months are some of the most impressionable for a Yorkie puppy, so take extra care to feed them well and give them many new experiences as their little personality develops.

>> Read more: How Much to Feed a Yorkie Puppy: Printable Feeding Schedule

Teenage angst: six months to two years

The teenage years are here. By this time, a Yorkie’s social personality is starting to firm up, though continued socialization is very important. Yorkie adolescents will begin to exert dominance where they can, and if not reigned in they will think of themselves as leader of the pack.

A lack of socialization and conditioning at this stage can also leave your pup susceptible to Yorkie separation anxiety.

Consistent training and lots of mental stimulation are key during these years. The saying goes “A tired pup is a well-behaved pup,” and that holds especially true at this age. If you’d like a guided course on how to train your puppy, we recommend either Brandon McMillan’s MasterClass on dog training or the free workshop offered by K9 Training Institute. Both will cover advanced tactics you can use on a regular basis at home to help your pup grow up into a well-behaved adult.

A Yorkie puppy’s growth will slow dramatically by nine months old and will generally cease around the one-year mark. Sexual maturity is reached during this phase and female Yorkies will go into heat for the first time. This is the most common time for spaying or neutering.

>> Read more: Do Yorkie Puppies Shed Their Puppy Coat?

Yorkie adulthood: two years to 10 years

By two years of age, Yorkies are completely done growing and their weight should not fluctuate much if they’re being fed a balanced, consistent diet. A Yorkie will have settled into their routines at this point, and you will have a  good understanding of their personality, energy levels, and likes or dislikes.

They will be strongly bonded by this point, not wanting to be left alone, and may shadow you through the house at times.

They’ll roam your home like a tiny guard dog and will be sure to let you know when something is amiss. Especially if that something is an invading squirrel in the backyard.

>> Read more: Yorkie Allergies: What Are Yorkies Allergic To?

The golden years: 10 years and on

As Yorkies approach the 10- to 12-year mark, they enter their senior years. Their pace will begin to slow and their dietary needs will change a bit as well.

Arthritis is common at this age, and their vision and sense of smell may decline. A Yorkie in this phase of life may need extra help hopping onto or off of furniture that they used to take in a single leap.

You’ll notice they like to lounge more and naps may become longer and more frequent. Take extra care to ensure they are comfortable, and talk to your vet about any additional supplements that may be helpful during these later years of life.

>> Read more: How Long Do Yorkies Live? Average Lifespan, Causes of Death & More

>> Read more: Yorkshire Terriers: Everything You Need to Know About the Yorkie Dog Breed


Only time will tell how big a Yorkie puppy will get, but the tools above will help you come up with some pretty good general predictions.

The most important factor to remember is that your puppy needs lots of healthy, balanced nutrition during the early months of rapid growth. Make sure they are getting plenty of exercise, high-quality food, and rest. Before you know it, the puppy days will be long behind you and your little Yorkie will be fully grown.

Has your Yorkie’s growth lined up with chart or formula above, or has it taken its own path? Let us know how big your puppy has grown in the comments below!

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